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Client profile

Big Apple Greeter is a service provided by the New York Office of Tourism that matches visitors with enthusiastic, city-knowledgeable residents. 


My Responsibility

  •  Leveraged Google Ads to help Big Apple Greeter to attract tourists and establish online presence.

  • Represented the organization by posting on Instagram.





The logo of Big Apple Greeter, a service provided by New York City

Case Study 1: Attract Tourists in NYC using Google Ads 

My role: Google Ads Manager 

"We have witnessed an increased participation in younger generation, as a probable result of Steve`s digital initiative." Said Alicia Pierro, Executive Director of Big Apple Greeter.

A caucasian young man in a beanie plans his trip on his mobile phone. Statue of Liberty in his background.




I utilized and maintained Google ads budget to support the organization goal: gain more local guide, tourists and exposure.



$10,000 Monthly Google ads budget



  1. Increased click-through rate to over 10.2% from 5.9% the previous year. 

  2. Depleted over 30% of Google ads grant, above the industry average (Google, 2019).

  3. Increased conversions by 80%.


Google Search Ads

An over view of metrics over time at the account level
An ads group level report from Google ads

Channel 2: Instagram




Represented the organization of Big Apple Greeter online and

Increase exposure.



Created a online presence on Instagram strategically via content collaboration using Buffer to ensured its consistency, relevancy and frequency.


Increased impressions of posts (+60%).


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